Original source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2009206/Author-Cythnia-Barton-Rabe-killed-hit-run-driver-high-drugs.html
An author was killed in a bizarre hit and run accident when a festival-goer high on hallucinogenic drugs allegedly drove into her as she was out jogging.
Corey Scott Jensen, 21, sped his stolen Nissan on to the sidewalk, hitting 47-year-old Cynthia Barton Rabe not far from her home in the leafy Oak Hills area of Portland, Oregon.
He then ran out of the car, leaving her bleeding in the middle of the road, head-butted the windscreen of another car when he realized he couldn't steal it, and and was eventually found by police running around naked.

Mrs Rabe, who was also a mother and high-profile advertising executive who helped create the Energizer Bunny concept, was rushed to hospital after the incident on Sunday, but doctors were unable to save her.
The car, a Nissan Cube, drove into her with such force her shoes flew off and were recovered on the sidewalk.
Police say Jensen, from Portland, had been at the nearby Re:Generation Festival, a four-day music event, where he had taken illegal drugs.
The 21-year-old allegedly stole his friend's silver Nissan Cube the night before, and went to stay with a friend in Mrs Rabe's neighbourhood.
He drove away from his friend's house on Sunday morning, and allegedly struck Mrs Rabe at around 9.45am. He tried to drive off, but he crashed the car into a boulder and it got stuck.
So he got out of the vehicle - leaving Mrs Rabe lying unconscious in the road - and tried to run away.
Neighbour Evelyn Hines told Fox12: 'He was running around in circles, back and forth.'
Then he jumped up on to the hood of a red sedan that had stopped to help Mrs Rabe.
The driver rushed out to confront him, and Jensen allegedly jumped into the driver's seat, only to find he had taken the keys out.
In his frustration, he allegedly head-butted the windshield, badly injuring himself, before running off.
When police tracked him down half-an-hour later, using sniffer dogs, he had ripped all his clothes off and was running around naked, shouting at the air.
Police said he resisted arrest and became so violent they had to Taser him so he could be arrested.
He was taken to a nearby hospital, where doctors said he was in a critical condition.
Police say they will arrest Jensen and press manslaughter charges when he recovers.
Neighbours tried desperately to resuscitate Mrs Rabe, but there was nothing they could do.
At the time of her death, she worked as the vice president and chief marketing officer of Laika Inc, the Portland animation studio behind movies including Coraline.
She previously worked for Intel as an innovation strategist, and ran her own consulting business before writing a book, The Innovation Killer, in 2006.
Mrs Rabe leaves behind a husband and teenage daughter.
every kid needs to know that LSD is extremely dangerous and volatile. you aren't "cool" by taking alot of acid. it's not interesting or fun to lose your mind and suffer psychosis. be careful when you choose to mess with this stuff. it's not a fucking beer. it's a ticket to hell or to ecstasy. it's a spiritual journey that will change you forever. it is not to be taken lightly. be careful. if you're stressed out or nervous or you've had issues with depression or anxiety, DON'T TAKE LSD. and if you do decide to take it, make sure you're in a SAFE and PEACEFUL place. not some druggie wookfest full of teenage idiots. wookies are stupid druggie fools, not enlightened or interesting individuals.